
Science Academique does not accept already published studies or will not consider submissions that are elsewhere for publication.

Peer review

SA operate double-blind peer review process detailed procedure can be found at Peer review


Providing free access to academic publications and research data in electronic formats. Exploitation rights remains with authors and only grant a non-exclusive exploitation right to the publisher for the purposes of publication.

Suggesting reviewers

In understanding review process, SA papers are typically reviewed by more than one reviewer and we constantly on the lookout for new reviewers to lend their experience and proficiency in the subject. We offer authors the chance to suggest reviewers. however you don’t HAVE to come up with suggestions if you don’t want to. Also please note the editors decides whether or not to invite your suggested reviewers.

Publication Charge

One of the main aims of Science Academique is to bring a change with the current publication charges. Hence SA doesn’t charge any processing fee. However, as an independent journal certain amount should be charged as to manage with the maintenance that are repository charges INR3800 for other countries USD80.


Manuscripts involving animal subjects must include a statement that the study was conducted in full compliance with the local, national, or institutional ethics boards/bodies. we reserve the right to reject papers if the ethical aspects are in doubt according to the opinion of the Editorial Committee

Instructions about Format

Articles must be submitted in Microsoft word. Use double spacing throughout the manuscript & do not add extra spaces between paragraphs or between text. Figures & tables should have legends. Figures should be uploaded in the highest resolution possible. Use 12 pt Times New Roman.

Instructions about Manuscript Types 

Publication Categories

Original research, Reviews, Case studies, Editorials, Clinical trials, Systematic reviews, Letters, commentaries, Opinion pieces, Brief reports, Image article, empirical studies

Preparation guidelines

Title page“: Includes “Title” of the paper, a “running head”, “authors” names and their institutional “affiliation” & Email addresses, “Corresponding author” details

Research/Original article

Title page
Abstract“: Structure the abstract following the IMRaD (Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion). Abstract should clearly state the purpose and conclusions of the full paper.
Introduction“: provide background information and explain what your study is about and the purpose behind it.
Methods“: provide clear and precise description. when a large amount of detail must be presented, information should be presented in sub-sections according to topic
Results“: provide research findings in detail along with all the data.
Discussion“: provide the interpretation of the results obtained, explain the implications of the findings, state study limitations. dont repeat the texts.
Conclusion“: restate your main points and provide closure.
References Style
Author(s) of the article. Use family name, followed by initial(s).
Year of publication (in round brackets).
Title of the article.
Title of the journal, in italics
Volume and issue number (issue number in brackets).
First and last page numbers of the article (separated by a dash -).
Figures & Tables“: A minimum of 6/maximum of 10 figures and tables combined should be presented. Additional figures or tables should be submitted as supplemental information.


The primary goal of this paper is to synthesize research on a topic while also shedding a new light on that topic. Literature reviews are not divided into fixed set of sections but should use sub-headings. overall, it should have Introduction, Body (in which evidence is presented), Discussion/Conclusion.

Case report

These studies come across patient cases that are different or unusual such as an unknown or a complicated condition of a known disease, an unusual side effect or adverse response to a mode of treatment, or a new approach to a common medical condition that discusses the signs, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of a disease.

Review article

Review is the constructive analysis of already existing literature by which summary, analysis, comparisons are derived often providing recommendations for future research. The content of the paper needs to be academically analytical and inquisitive. references should not exclude more than 100, figures and tables must be properly labelled.

Clinical Trials

Describes the methodology, implementation, and results of controlled studies. no restriction for length. All clinical trials must be registered in a public trials registry. Authors of articles reporting registered trials should include the trial registration number in the abstract and the methods sections of their manuscript. Must maintain high standards of ethics and reliability.

Opinion article

this article mainly mainly reflects author’s opinion about a subject. Opinion article should be usually around 2000-3000 words and have an accompanying short abstract of about 150-300 words. It may have a minimum of 5 to 10 references and one or two tables or figures at the maximum.

Letter to editor

Letters to editor are usually a type of short communication that can be written on any topic that attracts the attention of the readers. The interpretations should be objective, and constructive comments.

Brief report

Brief Reports are small descriptions (often preliminary studies) of unexpected and perhaps unexplained observations or lab protocols that can be described in a short report with a few illustrations (figures/tables), or even a single figure.


These are ongoing studies or progress studies in a particular field. Generally communication articles will comprise approximately 2000-3000 words of text with 3-4 figures and 25-30 references.


These are generally written by invited editors to the journal. should convey the aims and objectives of the research and are usually limited to 1 Figure and 1000 words.


All acknowledgments (if any) should be included at the very end of the manuscript before the references. Anyone who made a contribution to the research or manuscript, but who is not a listed author, should be acknowledged (with their permission).

Conflicts of Interest

Disclose any personal financial interests related to the subject matters discussed in the manuscript here.

Should you have any questions for assitance mail us at [email protected]